First aid/CPR Children

Right now there are 3 registered participants on max 15 spots.

The course provides participants with basic knowledge in life-saving first aid for children. 

During the course the trainer speaks English.

Our courses include practical training, please dress accordingly.

We love children, but we don't want them to join during the course. It's easier for you and the other participants to focus on the course without the children. Older children that can take part of the course are welcome.  
Plats/Location: Skåne län, Malmö, Röda Korset Malmö, Drottninggatan 2C

Start: 2025-04-03 18:00

Slut/End: 2025-04-03 21:15

Om du vill ha ett år gratis medlemskap i Svenska Röda Korset, välj JA i rullistan längst ner och skriv din adress.

If you want one year free membership in the Swedish Red Cross, select YES/JA in the drop down menu in the end and write your address. 

MSB (Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap) bekostar denna kurs.

MSB (The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency) pays for this course.

Vi jobbar enligt GDPR. Läs mer om hur Svenska Röda Korset hanterar dina personuppgifter här:

We work according to GDPR. See more in the link above (only in Swedish). 

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Gratis medlemskap/Free membership